
Mastering JavaScript | FOR IN LOOP

Cover Image for Mastering JavaScript | FOR IN LOOP
Rami Al-Karo
Rami Al-Karo

Welcome back to our "Master JavaScript" course! In this video, we'll explore one of the fundamental concepts in JavaScript: the loop.

The loop is a powerful tool that allows us to iterate over the properties of an object. It consists of three components: key declaration, object reference, and property iteration. Let's see it in action with some examples:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 const person = { name: "John", age: 30, city: "New York", }; for (let key in person) { console.log(key); // Output: name, age, city console.log(person[key]); // Output: John, 30, New York }

In this example, we declare the `key` variable to represent each property name (key) of the `person` object. The loop iterates over each property, and we can access both the property name and its corresponding value using the `key` variable.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 const building = { name: "Skyscraper", floors: 50, location: "City Center", }; for (let key in building) { console.log(key); // Output: name, floors, location console.log(building[key]); // Output: Skyscraper, 50, City Center }

In this new example, we have an object named `building` with different properties. The loop allows us to access each property name (key) of the `building` object and retrieve its corresponding value dynamically.

Both the for loop and the loop are essential tools in JavaScript for iterating through data and objects.

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